i arrived in Glorietta at around 4PM. Jeena was still at a gym in Greenhills. she'd be in Glorietta at around 6PM. so i just strolled and checked out some stores. the last time that i've been there was last February 15 when i met with Jeena to buy our Maroon 5 concert tickets.
i also went to the concierge to inquire about the passes. the lady i talked to was irritating. she was not as nice as the concierge ladies (sorry for the term) in TriNoma. i dunno, but she sounded so smug when i talked to her. it's like she wants to laugh at me because i have no passes and that i've got no chance in meeting Vanessa. yeah right. if only i don't have self-control, i might have shove the pictures of Vanessa that i took in her face. haha. anyway, i found out that there were still 20 passes available. i got surprised because i really thought that they would be sold out as early as 11AM just like in TriNoma. but i guess some people didn't mind getting passes since they could still see Vanessa without passes unlike in TriNoma. so i just went to the Activity Center and sat on one of the circular benches.
since it was Saturday, there were lots of children at the play area. most of the people there were families. i just sat there and observed the happenings around me. one thing i would never forget was the honesty of a certain guy. based on the shirt he was wearing, he seemed to be working as a person who fixes elevator or in a construction or something else. anyway, a lady who was counting her money passed in front of me. she didn't notice that one of her hundred peso bill fell. the guy immediately called the attention of the lady. she didn't seem to hear the guy at first and just kept on walking. she was already a few feet away from her money but the guy kept calling her. finally, she heard the guy and got her money back. the first thing that came in my mind was how honest the guy was. but he may not be really honest. he may have been forced to be honest because there were other people around. but whether he's really honest or not, at least he called the lady's attention.
at around 5:30PM, i went near the barricades. there were already people who were seated at the steps. i stood behind them and waited for Jeena. she was already done at the gym so she'll be in Glorietta in 30 minutes. people were already taking their seats and more people were arriving at the Activity Center. Jeena finally arrived at around 6PM. we just talked about our jobs and other stuff while waiting for the show to start. the lady near us was eavesdropping coz she asked about the school where i teach. right. anyway, i was getting more and more excited as the minutes passed.
finally, at around 7:15PM, Vanessa finally appeared on stage. she sang the same songs she sang in TriNoma except for More Than This. i was also able to record the song Home in my camera phone. of course, Vanessa's performance was great. the audience in Glorietta were more receptive than the ones in TriNoma. it was a great show.

we just kept on walking and had no idea where we're going when we found ourselves just beside the backstage door. the guards were setting up barricades to prevent people from mobbing Vanessa because she was about to go out. we immediately brought out our cameras. every thing happened so fast. i just clicked my camera while Vanessa passed in front of me. when i checked my camera, i saw that i wasn't able to get a clear shot of her. crap. my one and only chance that time. anyway, i soon forgot about it coz i felt like on cloud nine again because i saw her up close for the second time. wow. really amazing.

Jeena was also happy to see her up close. but i was happier. haha. anyway, it was a bit late that time already so we headed home. it was another unforgettable and amazing experience.
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