Thursday, February 20, 2025

Saturday, March 15, 2008

a different kind of March

my mind has been preoccupied with concerts and the new season of F1 that i didn't realize that classes are over in school. yesterday was the last day of class for school year 2007 - 2008. i didn't feel sad when i said goodbye to my students. i guess it's because i know that i will still see them since they are just around the village. so i'll be a homebody next week because of Holy Week. but i'll be busy finishing papers and take-home exams from my class in graduate school. i also plan to catch up on my reading and watch some movies to relax myself. i'm not a Catholic so no religious traditions for me. then after Holy Week, i'll be back in school to prepare for the summer program in school.

well, i'm glad that i don't feel that stressed right now. March has always been a really stressful month for me. but i didn't feel it this time. i guess it's because of all the excitement i felt in the past few days. hopefully, summer will be more exciting (as if there's something more exciting than an Incubus concert. haha.)

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