Thursday, February 20, 2025

Friday, August 24, 2007


my one wish right now is to have even just one day of perfect happiness. if that happens, i won't mind being sad for the rest of my life because at least i experienced how it feels like to be really happy.

i'm still holding on. i still believe that my life would turn out fine.

if there's one thing in my life right now that i'm working hard not to let go of, it's faith.

i don't want to be a fallen angel...

2 comments on "wish"

Unknown on 4:42 PM said...

Well. I just stumbled upon your blog after Googling "early twenties crisis" Im 22 living in Los Angeles and about to finish college. I am feeling like kinda out of control lately, like I get kinda panicked sometimes and feel like really frustrated. My personality has always been a balance between laid back and manic, but I've always been more laid back and chill. Until lately. Lately the kind of crazy side seems to be surfacing more than usual. I can't pin down exactly what I'm so frustrated at is the problem, its just a vague nagging feeling that something isn't quite right. Anyways I'm ranting =P but I want you to know: don't wonder anymore whether or not your blog ever reached anyone or helped some random person deal with a situation in a practical sense. I feel a lot better =) I wish I could offer you any advice because it seems your life isn't perfect either. I don't think anyones is. I hope everything is better with you now too, seeing how I am responding to a pretty old post.

angel on 12:27 AM said...

thanks for that. i actually feel better now. =)



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